Genetic medicine is a revolutionary field and represents the future of healthcare. By studying the genetic foundation of inherited conditions like SAS, Glaucoma, and other diseases, we can better our breeding lines and ultimately boost the overall health of our dogs. Moreover, research can help us acquire the essential information to develop drug therapies that target the affected genes.

Please help support our Research.

  • Subaortic Stenosis, also known as Subvalvular Aortic Stenosis, is a common and potentially fatal inherited heart defect that can be found in several dog breeds, including the Bouvier Des Flandres. SAS is caused by abnormal tissue located just below the aortic valve, which obstructs the path for the outflow of blood from the heart to the circulation, creating a partial blockage. As a result, the heart works harder to maintain normal circulation, putting an increased strain on the main pumping chamber of the heart, the left ventricle.

    SAS can be mild, moderate, or severe. Dogs with mild SAS may be asymptomatic. However, in moderate and severe cases, the dog may experience any of the following symptoms: weakness, breathing difficulty, fainting, and, sudden death.

    SAS is hereditary, but so far there are no known genetic markers. The BHF has been collaborating with Dr. Joshua Stern PhD, DVM, ACVIM, a cardiologist, since 2015 to conduct research on SAS. The goal is to identify the genetic markers responsible for this disease and remove all affected dogs from the breeding pool to prevent the spread of the lesion within the population.

    Read more on Dr. Sterns.

    Dr. Sterns work is incredibly important for our breed. By studying the genetic foundation of inherited heart conditions like SAS, we can better our breeding lines and ultimately boost the overall health of our dogs. Moreover, this research can help us acquire the essential information to develop drug therapies that target the affected genes.

    If your dog has a cardiac murmur or abnormal echocardiogram and your vet is concerned about SAS, the Bouvier Health Foundation will cover the expenses related to obtaining the necessary testing and information needed for your dog to participate in Dr. Stern’s research. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact the BHF. Review the paperwork required for Dr. Sterns research.

  • Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases that occur due to abnormally high pressure in the eye caused by increased intraocular fluid that doesn’t drain properly. This condition often doesn’t show symptoms until the increased pressure damages the optic nerve, leading to severe pain, irreversible eye damage, and ultimately blindness. In Bouviers, Glaucoma is considered an inherited disease, and the type they develop is known as primary closed-angle glaucoma (PCAG).

    The BHF Board has begun the process of fundraising and welcomes any contributions.  If you would like to discuss this proposal, contact BHF. 

    Learn more about the research proposal.

  • The Canine Health Foundation (CHF) provides funding for research to leading investigators in various areas of canine health, amassing a vast portfolio of research grants. To read more about the CHF research go to

    The Bouvier Health Foundation (BHF) emphasizes the significance of promoting research on health concerns that are associated with Bouviers. Since 2018, the BHF has collaborated with the American Kennel Club Canine Health Foundation (AKC CHF) by contributing funds to CHF grants. A total of $65,779.04 has been donated to 35 research grants. For a complete list of the research grants funded by BHF link to

    Click here to view the AKC Canine Health research support history August 9, 2022.