Every year BHF offers valuable financial, educational and research opportunities to members of the Bouvier community.
BHF has educated Bouvier owners through educational materials, videos and live health topic speakers. Visit our Resources page.
BHF has spent over $10,000 in the past two years to provide Bouviers with significantly discounted costs for eye and heart testing at our National Specialty. AKC DNA profile testing is also offered at the National Specialty at a discount.
BHF has also allocated funds for to be used for discounted health testing through regional clubs.
See our health discounts for this year’s National Specialty.
We have continued to establish partnerships and provide funding for research into important Bouvier health projects. BHF has allocated funds to research projects such as Glaucoma and SAS. Additional funds are also available to provide financial assistance for any dog who is a candidate to participate in our Glaucoma and SAS Research projects.
Additionally, we have donated over $65,000 to AKC CHF research grants for studies on diseases such as canine hemangiosarcoma, regenerative medicine to treat tendon injuries, and canine soft tissue sarcoma, among others. Here is a list of the AKC funded research.
Understanding the health issues in our breed is an ongoing process and requires input from all dog owners. The BHF has worked with the Orthopedic Foundation of Animals (OFA ) to develop a survey tool to help accomplish this. This survey was launched in June 2020 and has been a valuable tool in identifying the top health concerns for Bouviers.
The BHF began a Glaucoma Awareness Campaign in the Spring of 2023 with the goal of encouraging Bouvier owners to schedule regular eye exams for their dogs and to learn the warning signs of glaucoma. Glaucoma is a genetic disease in Bouviers.