Stern Laboratory Sample Submission Requirements

  1. An EDTA blood sample (2-3ml in a purple top tube)

  2. A 3-generation pedigree (if available)

  3. A copy of medical records and/or echocardiogram, ultrasound, radiograph, etc.

Please mail samples to:

Stern Genetics Laboratory NC State University
1051 William Moore Drive Research Building Room 318A Raleigh,
NC 27607

Blood drawn should be shipped with an icepack and overnighted via FedEx or UPS. Please send any other documents, like the pedigree, veterinary report, etc., along with the blood sample, or email them to us at:

Please include your contact Information.

Dr. Joshua Stern, Principal Investigator

Confidential statement for canine and feline research sample submission

All information and samples sent for inclusion in genetic research studies by Dr. Joshua Stern are kept confidential. Participation is completely voluntary and at no time will the dogs’ identity or participating owners be revealed in any way. The goal of our research is to identify genetic markers and facilitate reduction and disease prevalence through genetic testing ability. Should a genetic test arise from the study that you have elected to participate in results will be available for your samples at your request.

All samples are numerically identified in our system and will only be represented by unique numeric identifiers in any publications or presentations. Our laboratory investigators have worked with genetic studies and breeders on many projects. We take the confidentially of our research supporters very seriously and thank you for your participation. Any specific questions regarding sample handling can be directed to


Joshua Stern, Ph.D., DVM, ACVIM