To our knowledge, this study was the first to examine the health and behavior outcomes of dogs that underwent VS or OSS (hysterectomy) surgeries and to compare those outcomes to sexually intact or gonadectomized dogs.”

-Chris Zink, DVM, PhD, DACVSMR; Mikel M. Delgado, PhD; Judith L. Stella, PhD

JAVMA | MARCH 2023 | VOL 261 | NO. 3

Vasectomy and ovary-sparing spay in dogs: comparison of health and behavior outcomes with gonadectomized and sexually intact dogs

Chris Zink , Mikel M Delgado , Judith L Stella

Chris Zink, DVM, PhD, DACVSMR(1)1*; Mikel M. Delgado, PhD(2); Judith L. Stella, PhD2

(1) Zink Integrative Sports Medicine, Ellicott City, MD

(2) Good Dog, New York, NY

*Corresponding author: Dr. Zink (


Objective: To compare health and behavior outcomes for dogs that underwent vasectomy or ovary-sparing spay (hysterectomy) with sexually intact dogs or dogs that had undergone traditional castration or spay.

Sample: 6,018 dog owners responded to a web-based survey between November 3, 2021, and January 7, 2022.

Procedures: Participants were asked demographic questions and to provide information about 1 or more dogs (living or deceased). Options for reproductive status were as follows: sexually intact, castrated, spayed (ovariohysterectomy or ovariectomy), vasectomy, or ovary-sparing spay (hysterectomy). Participants were asked questions about orthopedic and other health problems, cancer, and problematic behavior. Logistic regression models, survival analyses, and descriptive statistics were used to assess relationships between reproductive status and outcomes.

Results: Owners provided valid surveys for 6,018 dogs, including 1,056 sexually intact, 1,672 castrated, and 58 vasectomized male dogs and 792 sexually intact, 2,281 spayed, and 159 female dogs that had undergone ovary-sparing spay. Longer exposure to gonadal hormones, regardless of reproductive status, was associated with reduced odds of general health problems and both problematic and nuisance behaviors.

Clinical relevance: To our knowledge, this study provides the first data on health and behavior outcomes of vasectomy and ovary-sparing spay in dogs and is the first to compare these outcomes to sexually intact and gonadectomized dogs. It adds to accumulating data on the mixed benefits and risks of removing the gonads to prevent reproduction and emphasizes the importance of developing an informed, case-by-case assessment of each patient, taking into consideration the potential risks and benefits of spaying or neutering and alternative reproductive surgeries.