This month we celebrate a very special milestone
for two of our Silver Beards.
Littermates Candy and Olive have reached their 15th birthdays!

CH Skyhi Hip-Hop Candy CD BN RE SEN “Candy” DoB: 4/20/2008

Candy is a Bouvier that has done it all.  She was my niece’s dog when she came to live with me.  One of my favorite memories of the two of them was the day I looked at the landing on the stairs with my niece on her back and Candy on her back on top of her.  I asked what they were doing and was informed they were spaghetti and meat balls.  Candy has been a 4H dog (going to state fair the first year), a junior’s dog, participated in a variety of breed and performance events, plus farm dog at home.  At 15 she still likes scent work, her walks through the farm and helping bring up her great-great niece Artie pictured sharing her bed.

Owned and Loved by: Lynn Brimmer

PACH Skyhi Her Be Olive MXP6 MXPS MJP5 MJPS PAX XFP T2BP “Olive” DoB: 4/20/2008

Olive is a 4 time Top Twenty Performance Bouvier and in her prime she was an amazing herding and agility team mate. She competed in Boundary (C Course) herding and at her first trial she got the Reserve High in Trial ribbon. A herding injury at 3 resulted in 2 TPLO surgeries and after a year and a half recovery the specialist suggested we switch sports to agility. Olive loved agility and read and executed her cues expertly. She had, and still has, heart, stamina and enthusiasm and got her PACH championship at 8. She has had no other health issues since she had her surgeries with the exception of some arthritis now at 15. Even though her daily walks have become shorter she anticipates them with the same spirit she had in the ring. Olive is a devoted companion and a loving part of our family.

Owned and Loved by: Nancy Macklin

 The BHF Silver Beards Program celebrates Bouviers who have reached the age of 12. If you would like to honor your young at heart Bouv on our Facebook page, please contact the Silver Beards Coordinator, Lara Harriger at